
In the previous section, we set up a litebook instance and specified ./pages as our root pages directory. Create that now, and add an file i.e. ./pages/

# Hello world!

Your site should reload and you should see your page as the homepage of your docs site!

If you haven't run npx presta watch site.js yet, do so now to build and preview your site ;)

Other Pages

Markdown files other than will be transformed into pages at URLs based on their directory structure.

For example, will become /about, and /getting-started/ will become /getting-started/install.

Nested Pages

Any markdown files defined within a directory, such as /getting-started will appear in the sidebar beneat a category label based on the directory name itself.

For example, /getting-started/install will result in a category of Getting Started and /getting-started/install will appear below it.

To customize the sidebar title, use metadata.


Pages support basic metadata via yaml frontmatter. Use the following props to configure your pages.

  • meta_title - string — the title that appears in your browser tab
  • sidebar_title - string — the title that appears in the sidebar nav
  • sidebar_order - int - the order the page should appear in the sidebar
  • sidebar_disabled - bool - disable the link to this page
  • sidebar_pill - string - show a small pill label next to the link title

For example:

meta_title: Pages - Litebook
sidebar_title: Pages
sidebar_order: 3
# Pages