When initially configuring Litebook, you can pass in a few other options to enhance your site.
Pass in a string or hyposcript component to customize the logo that appears in the top-left of the page.
const docs = litebook('./pages', '**/*.md', {
logo: `<svg ... />`
You can also optionally display the version of your library using the version
const docs = litebook('./pages', '**/*.md', {
version: `v1.0.0`
We're considering options to allow for async resolution of version strings, such that you could make a network request during build.
and foot
Presta provides an API to insert meta
and other tags into the <head>
and before the closing </body>
(the foot). Litebook provides easy access to
this API.
const docs = litebook('./pages', '**/*.md', {
head: {
image: '/open-graph-image.jpg',
meta: [{ name: 'description', content: 'Description for SEO' }],
link: [`<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href='/favicon.png' />`],
style: [{ children: `.class { color: blue }` }]
foot: {
script: [{ src: '/client.js' }]